18 for 2018 – Explore

Hey Sunny!

I know what you’re thinking, it has been a while. But we both know you are up to date with what is happening in my world.

Picture taken by Ekow Barnes at Mhoseenu Design Studio

At the beginning of the year, I committed myself to the intention “EXPLORE”( click to read). A few weeks into the year I read the phrase FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAYS in either a book ( might be a quote from the sankofa plantain chips too) and I decided.. wait, why not make it my catchphrase for the year? Any opportunity or idea that creates even a little fear in me is what I’ll try. And i must say, it has been a huge success because I’ve learnt and explored outside my comfort zone. And truly, it might sound clichè but YOU truly create your physical world first in your mind and through your thinking. With this lesson learnt, I’m optimistic going into 2019 and looking forward to moving further away from my comfort zones. I’m grateful for every opportunity and to everyone who’s been a part of making this year an incredible experience.

Here are 18 things I am grateful for in 2018

◦ Traveling to the northern region (read about it!) and rediscovering my Gonja heritage

◦ Shot my first major campaign with woodin

◦ Registering my first company

◦ Pitched my business idea at my first entrepreneurship exhibition

◦ Went to Lagos by myself to explore the creative scene (thinking about visiting the city of Lasgidi? here are some places I’d recommend)

◦ Walked my first international show in Paris (video on my IGTV)

Pause.. it might feel like I’m just referring to my past contents.. ok maybe a little bit. But! I’m just grateful to have photo/video journals to remind me of this journey called 2018.

Ok. Carrying on….

◦ I won Miss Universe Ghana 2018 and going on to represent in Bangkok,Thailand for Miss Universe 2018.

◦ Got and took care of my first plant (sadly died after a few months )

◦ Developing my own morning routine that works

How to start your month in high spirits: Monthly Routines

P.s Worked wonders for setting my tone for the day/week/month .

◦ Connecting with incredible women both in Ghana and abroad who inspire and motivate me

◦ Accepting my sensitive side and being comfortable with myself

◦ Learning to enjoy my company and that started a personal tradition i enjoy(Hint : IG highlights 🌞day )

◦ Being open to criticism and looking at the bigger picture

◦ Traveled to 3 new countries (I have a video from my Paris experience trip on IGTV)

◦ Read more books on spirituality and self development (a lot more than I did when I wrote this earlier this year)

◦ Practiced yoga and meditation at least 3 times a week

◦ My family welcomed 2 new beautiful nieces who’ve inspired me by just being

◦ Finally, I am grateful for the love and support from my family and friends both old and new who I’ve been able to experience this amazing ride with.

Cheers 2018


Published by

Sun Discoveries by Sundiata

A Ghanaian Lifestyle, Travel and Tech Blogger